
This is Kobe, Japan.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

More from the MTC 3 Aug 2010

Week 5
Mission Log
Thank you for putting your lives on the line by attempting to contact me through these emails. Had I been completely cut off from the outside world, I think they would have been able to crack me by now. However, I haven't given in. I wasn't able to send the pictures home by email for two reasons. The first reason is that I did not have the proper cord. Their security is very tight and I was unable to acquire one. The second reason is that these computers that I was able to gain access to are unable to upload pictures from a camera due to the added security they have. They're running a pretty tight operation here.
Amongst us Japanese Elders they usually have an older group which they call senpai, and a newer group which they call kohai. I have always been operating among the "kohai" up until this point. However, yesterday, in the morning, they snuck all the senpai out of here and shipped them off to a top secret mission in Japan. In eight days a new group of agents will come in. At that point, my "comrades" and I will be promoted to senpai, and the new agents will be known as kohai. It's exciting to no longer be a kohai.
The temple in Provo had been closed, but they opened it up last week. So we are now able to go to it every P-day (Tuesday for Japanese Agents).
Their shouldn't be any problem with me being able to "obtain" a visa. I have quick hands. One person wasn't able to get his on time for his departure date, but he's from Finland. The Agents going to Mexico, however, are all having a hard time getting visas. Some of them have been here for like seventeen weeks. I'm glad that I'm not going to Mexico.
We decided that Japanese is the closest language on this earth to Adamic. It just make so much more sense than English. It's so simple, but so great at the same time. I'm really glad that I'm learning it.
Sometimes my companion and I will study at a table outside and put a sign up that says "Contact Us." Tons of people stop by to practice. It's fun.
This opening in which I'm able to hack into this internet connection is only half an hour long. If I attempt to hold the connection any longer, the computer will self-destruct. Then all the doors will seal shut and alarms will start going off, just in case the blast wasn't enough to get rid of me. The time is running out I need to leave immediately. I'll contact you again soon.

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